Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day # 27 June 17 Rabanal to Molinascea (30k)

Day # 27 June 17 Rabanal to Molinascea (30k)


The limericks seem harder to write

I  have too much fun every night

The food & the booze

Did I mention the booze?

And chatting with pilgrims in sight



Today we crossed several mountains and while the ascents were tough and long the views were spectacular. (Photos below) We crossed the highest point on the Camino, 1515 m just after the famous Iron Cross, 1505 m. A miscalculation on my part meant we added ~2K to our trip and meant we walked on hot asphalt which left us very tired when we arrived at Molinascea around 5 pm  This means we were 10hrs on the road... we did have breaks. Frances is getting stronger day by day and we made great time for the fist 14-l5K We even stopped for an "Irish breakfast" (almost) along the way The Coffee, toast & jam they call breakfast at the albergues doesn't work for me so we take advantage when we can  We met the 6 Irish ladies along the way

While the walk was hard mainly due to my "Cock up" we were rewarded at the end. Molinascea is a beautiful town, should be called a hamlet! A beautiful cobblestoned bridge guards the entrance and traverses a majestic river where people were bathing and sunning themselves prompting this limerick.


In Molinascea the sun split the sky

Bikinis, almost not, caught my eye

With bra straps undone

They lay in the sun

I'll wait till they turn by & by.


Refreshed by a shower we explored the town. (photos below)

Wandering about thinking about food we "bumped into" Kevin (Australia).& Scott (Atlanta) who generously invited us to join them for dinner. We had one of the better "pilgrim" meals and were later joined by Annette.(Australia). I had white wine for change which was very refreshing. Scott had an "after dinner " Baileys which looked so delicious I had to have one. Next time Ilooked there was a Baileys in front of everyone courtesy of Kevin.

We toasted and enjoyed great conversation and several jokes before going " "home". Frances & I finished the night with one last Baileys in a bar by the river. I've tried to capture this in a limerick


Eating dinner on Camino one night

With Annette, Scot, & Kevin that's right

After wine, well we found

We need Bailey's all round

Going home we sure looked a sight


as porky pig would say

"  the, the, that's all folks!


  1. Nice pictures today. Baileys does sound good right about now. You guys are almost done!! Good luck tomorrow and don't fall!!! See you soon

  2. How did the Spaniards handle the big loss today?

  3. I've been enjoying your blog, and today set up a google account so that I could add to the comments. Sounds like an amazing trip, but you couldn't pay me to do it. relaxing around a pool is still my idea of a vacation, but I admire your fortitude. Take care.
