Friday, June 6, 2014

Day 16 June 6 Rabé de las Calzados to Castro jerez (28k)

Day# 16 June 6  Rabé de las Calzados to Castrojeriz 28K


Buen Camino is the greeting you'll hear

As each peregrino draws near

They'll chat for a while

Share a joke and a smile

Then just like the wind, disappear


Got an early start today. We were on the road at first light around 7 am. It's so cool in the morning & today was expected to hot & sunny. It turned out to be quite nice. The temperature get up to 26°C but we took a long break at around 1 pm in a town called Hontanas.

As we set out we saw a dog with a hen in its mouth - obviously he got lucky! I managed to get a picture but it's so far away you need to trust me that it is a hen

I tried to capture the event in a little ditty for my grandkids so indulge me!

This is for Mika, Taidg & Holbrook

The Spanish Dog
I saw a 'Spanish' dog today

He passed us by along our way

His scruffy coat was quite unkempt

The look he gave conveyed contempt

He bounced along with style & grace

He had a smile upon his face

I thought he looked a little sly

He had a twinkle in his eye

Then what I saw just made me shout

I quickly got my Camera out

I saw big teeth & drops of blood

This dog was up to nothing good

I've seen strange things but not sure when

In that dog's mouth there was a hen

The dangling legs & floppy head

I knew that poor red hen was dead

He turned once more & saw my pain

And I never saw that dog again

 There is a blurry picture below

There were a couple of climbs today but nothing to strenuous. Frances had a really bad blister lost night which we treated. I was amazed she walked so far today ... 28K

We needed to 'catch up ' as we had fallen a little behind. We're OK now!

we got to our Albergue at around 4:15 and have since showered etc, We're looking foreward to our Peregrino dinner which is a community affair and a lot of fun We are a little tired but so happy with our progress to date


  1. LOVE the last pic! You'll have to blow it up when you get home!

  2. I just discovered your blog and have read through all16 days at once. My reading was a whole lot easier than your trekking! Who else could not only walk, but write a limerick each day. Tell Frances I've been reading hers every day but haven't been able to comment. Love the photos you both post. You are both amazing.
